Consistency Success Coach

I Help You Achieve All of Your Life Goals...

By Showing You the Secret of CONSISTENCY!

I Have Created for You a Results-Oriented Membership Site!

You Will Learn How to:

STRENGTHEN your personal commitment to succeed consistency with all your goals, as a member of a supportive group community. 

You Will Learn How to:

CREATE an action plan to accelerate your immediate progress and diminish indecision to realize what you truly want and chose to do.

You Will Learn How to:

OVERCOME procrastination to make your goals a reality by restoring the life-purpose dreams you may have postponed for far too long.

You Start in the Gym with Full Intention to Continue Until You Reach Your Goal...

However, somewhere around the 3rd or 4th, you skip a day, then another, and another.  The more you skip, the easier it appears to justify skipping the next time. Before you know it, you’ve gotten off track and are deciding to begin again later in the  next month.

You Want to Save Up to Invest in a Business or Buy Your First Home...

You go along well for a fews months, but then you get distracted.  You need quick car for an emergency car repair.  So, you decide to dip into it with the idea of replacing it the next month.   Somehow, because of one other emergency  or the next, the savings  dwindle and disappear.

You Want to Go Back to School and Study for a Higher Degree...

Even though you have a full-time job, you are committed to studying online and obtain a Masters Degree to better your future.  Your study routine starts off fine, but one distraction and the next creates and inconsistent study-routine and one that is hard to follow.

The Solution to All of Your Problems is Here!

My Consistency System guarantees that you achieve all of yours goals, and right on schedule! You will also have the help of a consistency support group and accountability partners when you become a member of The  Prosper Consistency Membership Site.

"My Secret Formula for Creating Unstoppable Goal-Achieving Consistency" (Listen to this 60-Second Sample!)

How to Access The Complete Audio Via Whatsapp

Watch this short video  before you click the link below to download your file.

Why Join Our Membership Site

Group and Community

Members share and support each other's goals.

Live Coaching Calls

Each month, I host live coaching calls to answer your questions.

New Monthly Content

New audio, video or written content to help you stay consistent.

Accountability Partners

Each member is assigned to be an accountability partner.


This is the book that started it all.   The platform of the  Prosper – Consistency Membership Site!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Of course. Just let me know 30 days before your next cycle, and you can cancel at any time.

Is it expensive to be a member?

Only $25 per month for the first 100 founding members. This monthly rate will stay the same forever, no matter what future membership price increase there may be as long as you remain a member.

What do I get for my monthly membership?

You will get monthly group live calls with me, accountability partners, and new audio, video, or written content each month and access to me through Whatsapp in case of urgency.

Do I have a guarantee that I will like it?

You most certainly do! Your first month is FREE (except for your required 2 text books, "Why Consistency is the Key to All Success - and How to Be Consistent to Achieve Any Goal" and "207 Inspirational Quotes of Charles I. Prosper," which you purchase from

Are you available to answer my questions personally?

Yes. You may message me through Whatsapp, and I will answer you within 24 hours.

How does the accountability partnership work?

You are assigned to a member as their accountability partner and a member is assigned to you. You share your goals and your consistency schedules, and you keep each other on track until your goal is achieved.

Make Your Dreams a Reality - Now!

Consistency is the key to all success! Let me help you to become and remain consistent until you achieve all of your goals.